The beginning of this book gave me mixed feelings. I thought the first chapter was uneventful and boring. The only connection I found between the story and the chapter was the importance of the left tackle, which Michael Oher ends up playing. I admit I'm not a football fan and don't understand the terminology of it all but I just don't understand how an old football game could excite the reader. I found the second chapter more entertaining that the first, but I still don't think it had much meaning to the overall story. I found it amusing that every college in the country based their decisions on one man's book of players, what if Lemming misjudged someone or was payed off? To me, the story really began in the third chapter when Michael's life came into play. It's amazing to me how a poor, abused, abandoned kid from the junction who had so little could become so successful later on in life. This chapter showed me that it only takes one person to make a difference. Big Tony made a difference in Michael's life when he took him to Briarcrest, and even when the principal told him Michael didn't have a chance, Big Tony didn't lose hope. He continued to fight for Michael until he was enrolled, and that to me is a true friend.